Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thinkin' 'bout shit called Alcohol!

Hey niggaz wassssup!!! I haven't wrote in a while but today I was thinkin' 'bout some shit and a wrote a rap 'bout it. If you want an explanation 'bout this rap, ask me cuz it is a little personal and I don't wanna explain it right now haha!! Hope you like it dawgs!!! Take care!!




(Hey Allan! Want a drink?

No thanks! I’m fine

C’mon man! Drink somethin’!

No man! I said I’m fine!

Why do you never drink alcohol?

Why? Why?

I’ll tell you why)


1st Verse:

Some dudes think I’m nuts

Cuz I don’t drink alcohol that’s all

But they don’t understand

That my life is more important man

Than any motherfuckin’ vodka thang

So I’m just here tellin’ you ‘bout this

Hope you hear it

I think you just need to pay attention

To stop askin’ the same fuckin’ questions

(Why don’t you drink? You want some rum?)

Fuck it! Go and fuck your mom!

And I’m just tryin’ to be civilized

Tryin’ to understand why there’s always someone puckin’ at my side

(But NG take it easy man, drinkin’ is funny!)

Yeah right, until you’re layin’ in the floor dead

And the last thing you saw inside your head

Was a bunch of people carryin’ you to a bed

Red whine, white whine, vodka, rum, and champagne

These will all ruin your life man

Is it worthy? If you want to impress a girl

Just use your imagination dawg

And tell her beautiful words

So why get drunk? She won’t even understand you at all

So stop offerin’ me drinks

Cuz I ain’t gonna take any motherfuckin’ thing!



Cuz I’m a sober!

I don’t drink, cuz I think

With my head always clear

And my eyes always see

And can hear with my ears pretty well

So I don’t fall with this shit

Of “fun time” all my friends always say

And there’s no alcohol in my veins

So if somethin’ happens who do you blame?

Not me! Cuz I’m a sober!


2nd Verse:

I know you won’t hear me

Everythin’ I’m sayin’ will be forgotten after this is

Finished, ended or terminated

Like alcohol who’s only waitin’

For an opportunity to crush your body, rape it

Look! It’s Terminator: “Hasta la vista baby”

Unless you leave that glass over that table

Search and destroy

For everyone who drinks and asks for more

(I want another drink! I want more!)

You only think ‘bout gettin’ wasted

It don’t matter if you can’t pronounce a word

You ridiculously say it, c’mon let’s face it

Is that funny? To be the clown of the night?

(Yeah, why not?)

Psych! I’m impressed

I didn’t know someone could be that messed

Up, up we go, another glass is goin’ to that man’s mouth

Damn! It’s his seventh I hope he don’t fall to the ground

(Noise) Ouch! That was loud!

See? You gotta trust me man

Try to understand, leave it while you can

(Not at all, not at all, not at all NG!)

Then see you at your funeral!




3rd Verse:

I’m getting’ tired of seein’ you drinkin’

And you are tired of hearin’ me speakin’

But I’ll tell you one more thing:

Don’t you ever judge me dude!

I don’t drink but you don’t know what the fuck I’ve been through!

It ain’t easy for me to be a sober

To see all my friends laughin’

And if I walk to them and start askin’

They just say: “Nothin’, it’s over!”

To see how they have their own jokes

‘Bout stupid things like the weather or even blowjobs

And not be able to understand them

Cuz I wasn’t there with my glass of champagne

Or to see how they go dancin’

And not notice they left me in the couch playin’

Cards with some dudes that don’t talk cuz they’re bored

And just say how much they have won

You don’t know ‘bout this, do you?

You don’t know what it feels to ask for a friend

And hear an answer like this:

(I don’t know man, he’s maybe puckin’ upstairs)

You think it is easy for me?

To see how all my friends leave me for a couple of drinks

And they return laughin’ at me?

It hurts! But it seems it won’t change a bit

So I’m outty and yeah I don’t drink, I say it proudly!




(Hey Allan, have you seen my girlfriend?

Yeah…mmm...she’s upstairs

With someone?

Yeah, I’m sorry man

Damn! You know? The problem is she’s a fuckin’ drunk ass bitch

And just like you I’m a sober)


Luis Monroy said...

Primero que nada he de decirte que me gusto mucho este rap; y me gusto porque:
1.-Esta muy bien escrito, realmente sabes como crear imágenes y sobre todo crear un muy buen tono en tus raps, además de que ya tienes un estilo propio y eso es muy bueno.
2.-Me gusto también porque es tu declaración sobre lo que piensas del alcohol y no solo lo estableces sino buscas hacernos entender al publico el porque.
Pocos hacen una crítica tan feroz hacia una costumbre tan común. Me alegra ver la variedad de temas que tocan tus raps y en cuanto a este en particular, estoy mayormente de acuerdo con lo que dices

Chavero said...

"Ouch!"... es todo lo q puedo decir jejeje
Y woooow! está muy bueno,hacía un buen q no me metía a tu blog.
PD. Ok... a Luis le brotó lo BI y hasta análisis poético te tocó vdd? jeje

Anonymous said...

wow t quedo incre, tngo una duda existencial, cuando escribes esto lo vas como rapeando, osea mmm tiene como algun ritmo en tu cabecilla?? xq cuando lo leo como q no c como va y me frustro :S jaja
y de contenido tmb esta... mmm honesto supongo aunq no estoy segura cuales son las referencias a mi ademas de los de not at all pero prefiero no saber de todos modos ya no tomo... en serio!!
jaja tqm